For Father's Day, my friends Kristin & Brian T. led me to this terrific new product for Coke aficionados. Riedel, the much heralded wine glass maker, has launched a glass specifically for the enjoyment of Coca-Cola. This unique glass captures and enhances the flavors of the soda. Considering their reputation among wine sommeliers, Riedel's Coke glasses are sure to be a winner for Coke devotees!
Alternative Gift: If you are from Texas, Dr. Pepper may be your passion. I am sure the Riedel glasses work equally well for Dr. Pepper. The short six packs & vintage bottle openers are available for Dr. Pepper--just remember 10-2-4.
Where to Buy: The Riedel glasses are available at Bed Bath & Beyond for $16.99 single glass or $24.99 for pack of two glasses. Six-pack cokes are available at most grocery stores approximately $4.99. Vintage bottle openers (old style, but not true antiques) run from $5.00-$20.00 at your local antique mall, Amazon or ebay.
Note: Be careful, as many vendors will try to pass off the the bottle openers as antiques in order to charge you more. Go for the less expensive reproductions unless you are a die-hard Coca-Cola brand collector.